Final Survival Online Game Tips
There are several games which deal with zombies but "Final Survival" one is one of the best online games which addresses the zombie "issue" In this online application your mission is to destroy all zombies before they take over the city, you can use all sorts of weapons to accomplish this goal.
You can move your character with the arrow keys and press A to fire your weapon. Change weapons by pressing the keys 1 through 6 or you can rotate weapons by using the keys "Q" and "E". Once you fire the Bazooka and grenades make sure you stay as far as possible from them as you too will get caught in the blast.
Before you start the game you have two options which will let you choose the battle ground, you can take on these zombies in the once peaceful city of Los Angeles or you can go to the "Great Stadium" which is believed to be the place where is the greater concentration of these undead creatures.
Choosing your players correctly can give you a great advantage, you will have several options and each character has different abilities, for instance some are faster, stronger or have better weapons than the others, these are:
- Shawn: An American soldier who wants to do his part to clean the city from zombies, his strength lies in the weapons he uses which is the most effective compared to the rest of the characters, his speed and explosives are not that effective though.
- Sef: Born in Africa, his people was wiped out by these creatures and he now wants to take revenge. He is very fast but his weapons and explosives are not that effective.
- Sergei: A Russian mercenary hired to exterminate all the zombies he can. His speed and machine gun power are not that great but when it comes to explosives he is the best.
Weapons specialists will love this one, you get to rotate among several types of these, they are: shot guns, riffle, AK-47, grenades, Uzi submachine gun and a Bazooka.
The first level is quite easy, you have to take on 3-5 zombies which are almost harmless, this job can be done with the shotgun. Once you go into level 2 things change because you will now have to use the riffle or the Uzi to take on all the zombies which will be coming your way, you need to try to kill the big red ones which look like devils first because they are able to shoot you and cause more damage than the small ones (they are faster too) If you see yourself heavily out-numbered you can use the grenades or the Bazooka but make sure you stay away from the blast otherwise you'll get caught in it, kill as many zombies as you can and have fun!
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