4 Secrets to Playing the Auction House And No Matter Their Level


When it comes to playing the World of Warcraft, gold is a must have for any player. It does not matter which side you are on, which race you are, or which professions you choose - if you do not have gold, you do not get the gear and goods you need. Yet, there are always some players that seem to just be rolling in gold. And no matter their level, they have all the highest priced gear, the best mounts, all of their training, awesome rare weapons, and more. You want their gold and you want to have everything that they have. So, how do you do it? Well, there are many great ways that you can make the gold you need in the game, but there are some special secrets that the richest players do not want you to know when it comes to playing the auction house. Here are four secrets to playing the auction house that you should know:

1. Download the auctioneer add-on that helps you scan the auction house. This add-on will help you scan the auction house for items that are priced lower than normal. When you find good items that normally sell high for really cheap amounts, you can purchase them cheap and then resell them high. This can make some great profits, especially if you know the best items to purchase for your server, such as ghost mushrooms, black dragon scales, and other specialty items that certain classes need for class specific quests.

2. Save up some gold and then buy out all of one specific item that normally sells high. When you purchase everything on the auction house (especially on the weekends) and then put them right back on the auction house for higher than they were listed, you can make a pretty decent profit. This works best for herbs, cloth, and other mats. While this does take some gold to do, it is worth it.

3. Save up all your good items to sell on the weekend. This means like blue or purple items, specialty items, mats, and other things that players need. Stack them all up over the week and them put them all on the auction house at once during the weekend and price them a bit higher than normal. You will find that those "weekend warriors" will purchase everything on the auction house when they are looking to make something specific, or if they are looking for a special piece of armor. Weekends are the best money makers and you can actually double what you would normally make throughout the week.

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4. Search out the mat lists for some of the rare patterns and recipes, then farm the mats. There are certain items that players will need for either patterns, recipes, quests, weapons, armor, and so on that most players either do not have time, or do not want, to farm. So, by farming these mats, you can make a ton of cash on the auction house without much effort.

Yes, these secrets are pretty easy. You are probably kicking yourself for not thinking of them earlier. Either way, you now know a few of the best auction house secrets that the richest World of Warcraft players use when it comes to making money on the auction house.

Want to learn more about making gold on the auction house? Then you need the ultimate gold making guide, and you will find it here: MD Weems has been a professional writer for over a decade and is an avid MMO gamer. She produces thousands of articles each year over a wide variety of topics.


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