10 Great Places to Farm For Gold in the World of Warcraft


Everyone knows that when you are out grinding certain mobs, you will find those that drop money. Some drop a little, some drop a lot, but it all adds up pretty fast if you know where to grind. So, where are these great places to grind, you ask? Well, here are 10 great places to farm for gold in the World of Warcraft:

1. In Winterspring, at the Lake of Kel'Theril, you will find Suffering and Anguished Highborne ghosts that are around the level 52-55 range. These all drop money, normally silver from 2-10 pieces each.

2. In Tanaris, at the Lost Rigger Cove, you will find the Southsea Pirates. These mobs range from level 42-45, and always drop silver.

3. In the Western Plaguelands, you will find Hearthglen. This is one of the Scarlet cities here, and you will find Scarlet Priests, Sentinels, Paladins, etc. All of these mobs are levels 53-56 elites, and all drop money.

4. In the Eastern Plaguelands, you will find the Undercroft, which is where the Mossflayer Zombies live. These weak mobs are all around level 50 and all drop lots of silver.

5. In Westfall, you will find the Defias Trappers on the western shore. These guys spawn fast, are in the lower 30 level range, and always drop money and usually cloth.

6. In Un'Goro Crater, you will find the Tar Elementals. These are the only mobs here that drop money, and you can make a good amount of cash here grinding.

7. In Silverpine Forest, there are groups of Wizards and Mages that always drop money. These are great for those who are level 12-20, and you can gain some good cloth and other vendor items as well.

8. In the Barrens, you will find the Oasis where there are mobs that range from level 12-17. These always drop money, and usually some great vendor items for this level range.

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9. In Thousand Needles, you will find two different camps of centaurs and harpies that are level 20-25. These drop tons of silver, and it adds up fast. Plus, they respawn fast, so by the time you make it through one camp and are ready to head back, it's already full again.

10. In Stranglethorn Vale, right outside of Grom'Gol, you will find a group of trolls that are level 23-27. These always drop money and usually some great vendor items as well.

So, there you have it. 10 of the best places to grind for gold in the World of Warcraft Yes, these are just the ones that are on the main continents, not in the Outlands.

To learn where to go in the Outands for some great gold grinding, you will have to go to and buy the best World of Warcraft gold guide on the market today.

MD Weems has been a professional writer for over a decade and is an avid MMO gamer. She produces thousands of articles each year over a wide variety of topics.


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