Naruto Games Online - The Naruto Arena
The Naruto-Arena is an interactive game play site. This is unlike your traditional video game play where you have two players face off. This is more like a strategy combat game where each player takes his/her turn at delivering moves/damage! It is highly enjoyable, and a little addictive if the truth is to be told. (remember everything in moderation, and you can`t go wrong) After logging into the arena and selecting start playing, you are directed to the arena where you can either select a ladder game or a private game. Ladder game: When signing up you are immediately entered on to a ladder of achievement, where as you progress in battle the higher you climb the ladder. There are two ladder categories. Ninja Ladder This is the most important in the Naruto-Arena. It is International which everyone joins automatically when you start playing and shows each individual players skill in their quest to become Hokage. Country Ladder Every country that has at least 10 active players automatical...